What is BetaMath?
BetaMath is a website which is trying to make maths education better, by breaking down problems that look complicated into a sequence of simple steps that students can practice.
For many maths problems which look complicated, there is often some way of looking at the problem which means you can use a simple approach to determine the answer. However, not everyone has access to information about these 'tricks'. This is something the team at BetaMath is trying to change.
What does BetaMath offer?
There are three main components of the BetaMath site:
- The library contains information about a range of mathematical topics, and is organised into courses.
- Exam solutions contain worked solutions for real past examination papers that have been administered by school programs
- The progress section reports on your activity within the BetaMath site
The library
Each course in the library is organised into units, which can then be broken down even further into individual problems.
- For each problem there is an example question, and a worked solution of the problem
- Many problems build upon the solutions to other problems, so each problem will have links to pre-requisite knowledge when this is also in our library.
- Where possible, each problem will also have an opportunity for you to practice what you have learned at the end.
Exam solutions